Interview with model, Noah Viray

“It’s been less than a year since I started modeling and so much has happened…”

How did you become a model?

My friend’s mom introduced me to the owner of Stars Talent Studio (@starstalenstudio) because she thought the owner, Amber Evans, would like my look and would want to sign me. And she did. And it’s taken off from there! Since then, I’ve signed with Key Management (@thekeymgmt) as my Mother Agency, thanks to Francis Wong for the introduction. The Key introduced me to State Management in Los Angeles (@statemgmt), and I signed with them in April. It’s been less than a year since I started modeling and so much has happened – I’m really excited for my future. 

What do you enjoy most about modeling?

I really like many aspects of modeling. Being on set and working with other models, stylists, make-up artists, hair stylists, directors, the lighting team – all of it. All the working parts make something come together. I’ve met so many cool people. 

How do you motivate yourself?

I love doing what I do, and it makes me happy, so it doesn’t take a lot of motivation to take care of myself and put myself out there.

Who are your favorite designers or favorite brands?

Tom Ford and Dior are my high-end favorites. I like all types of clothing, but I really like to dress up and look nice.

What are your hobbies?

I’ve played competitive basketball since I was 5. I enjoy working out a lot, hanging out or playing Spike ball and pickleball with my friends. 

Where do you think you will be in five years?

In five years, my goal is to be working full-time as a model, living in LA, and traveling the world doing runway and ad campaigns.

Who is your biggest supporter?

Francis Wong. We collaborated on a shoot earlier this year and he's supported me every step of the way since then. 

Anything else you would like our readers to know about you?

I'm American-Filipino. I consider Houston my home because I lived there for 10 years.