Interview with Kole

Model, Photographer, Musician

Vessel: Please provide our readers with a brief overview of your background and journey into the world of modeling. Were you discovered by someone or did you actively pursue opportunities in the runway scene?

Kole: My curiosity led me to search for any recommendations on how to start modeling and I even bought into an app that didn't get me any jobs for about a year. So I kept searching and found Facebook groups for modeling and photography. When I saw a photographer’s post seeking model photos for an e-commerce store, I sent her a message and my journey began. The first few photoshoots were uncomfortable because I had never been in front of a camera: I reacted to everything and didn't know how to move myself, but surprisingly we got a few good photos. What I've learned is that you have to take the first step: no matter how it feels, eventually you improve like anything in life. I give all the credit to my first photographer, Togi, for starting my career. Our next photoshoot was almost a year later. She threw two parties on Christmas Eve and New Year’s where models and photographers stopped by and that's what kicked everything off. I took photos with different photographers and I was officially “on the scene!” I continued reaching out to more photographers. The more I posted and raised my visibility, the more photographers started reaching out to me. I met more models and kept moving down the rabbit hole of the fashion industry and finding fashion shows close to me. It all has been evolving for a year now. It's surreal. So many people deserve thanks for their time and energy. It feels insane that I had the same three friends for six years after high school and then in one year I met almost 400 people. So thank you to everyone for this beautiful journey.

Photographer: @Zhonjohansen


Vessel: In the dynamic world of fashion and modeling, are there any lessons or insights you wish you knew when you first started your modeling journey?

Kole: Be brave and vulnerable. Take the step and it will all unfold in front of your eyes. As far as finding people in the industry? Check out the people constantly posting in Facebook groups. I'm still not signed to any modeling agency. Trust yourself to find jobs from photographers or other models. Meet as many people as you can. I joined any photoshoot or runway show I could find that I thought fit who I am. Any industry is definitely about relationships. Meet people and be brave: most people are kind. 
Vessel: Beyond modeling, we’ve learned that you have a passion for photography. What draws you to photography, and are there specific subjects or themes that you enjoy capturing in your photos? 

Kole: In others’ work, I noticed how an angle combined inside of a pose can captivate me. What most interests me is editorial. Exploring the look your body movements create is the most fun. I love to make an aesthetic out of simple things. I’ll see a texture for a background and find clothes that work well with it. Photography can be boring, but finding “that picture,” from exploring “that idea” is the ultimate feeling. Editing is a favorite activity of mine too. I love how a picture can transform into something new that you didn't see when you first took the picture. 

Photographer: @picturesorcery

Vessel: Shifting gears, let’s explore your musical pursuits. Could you share more about your musical journey? 

Kole: For eight years I've been making music: two years ago I started using my voice. That changed everything for me. I used to only do the production for other artists. I felt surreal speaking things into existence as a music artist. There are songs I made about pursuing modeling and being friends with fashion designers: one year goes by and all of a sudden, I've done so many photoshoots and met and worked with so many designers. Music is a delicate process for me: I'll touch on one story that made me realize a connection to something else happening in my life. The other day, while running, I listened to a lyric from my own song: "Wow I survived, give me high five" As this line rang out, a girl ran past me and gave me a high five. Those kinds of connections are surreal.

Vessel: Balancing modeling, photography, and music must be a challenge. How do you manage your time and creative energy to excel in multiple creative domains? Are there specific routines or practices that keep you focused and inspired?

Kole: I go with what inspires me at the moment. Every aspect fuels the next part. People consistently reach out for photoshoots or I'm inspired to photograph someone I see. I constantly need my tools because I never actually know when true inspiration will hit. The underlying thing that has fueled all of it is the music. I gravitate towards making music the majority of the time because it energizes me and gives me visions for the journey. I think I'm meant to be creative all the time. It's what makes me happy being in the moment: when the world disappears and all you can focus on is the creative endeavors. What keeps it all balanced is regular work outs. There are rough patches: I have my days where I don't do anything simply because I've done everything that inspired me at that moment. Some days I have to force myself to get into a creative space even if I'm not inspired, based on routine. That day might be the thing that fuels the next part of the journey. I keep stepping forward and creating because who knows where this path goes — that’s the intrigue. 


Photographer: @sadie_larrimore_photography

For full interview

& credits >>>

Kole @koleaur
